Submission Guidelines

WORDLY accepts fiction and non-fiction pieces, articles, poetry, and art.

We accept submissions to WORDLY Online at all times via email to

 You can also express interest in being a regular contributor, or pitch non-fiction pieces, here.

WORDLY Magazine is accepting submissions on the theme ‘Emerge’, you can submit your piece of writing or art at this link here.

Read the below guidelines before submitting or your submission may not be considered/accepted.

General requirements

When submitting a piece, please name it as your name + the title of your piece, so it will be Name_Title.doc.

All submissions should be of previously unpublished, original material. Personal blogs and social media accounts do count as previously published material. If your piece has been up anywhere online, it will need to be taken down for us to consider it.

If your submitted piece is considered for publication elsewhere you must let us know straight away.

If you are a student, you can submit pieces that you have previously submitted as part of individual assignments. You cannot submit something that you intend to use for an assignment. You cannot submit a piece that has been a part of a group assignment if the assignment was done as part of an internship or placement, if you receive funding for your studies, or if the piece was done in collaboration with a Deakin staff member. For more information, you can review Deakin’s Copyright and Intellectual Property Guidelines.

You do not have to be a Deakin University student to submit to WORDLY.

Please know that you are more than welcome to request to have your piece published anonymously. You must mention this to us when you submit. Your name will even be hidden from the editing team as much as possible.

Written submissions guidelines

We accept submissions of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, articles, and other miscellaneous forms of writing

As per the Australian standard, all submissions should use single quotation marks, the un-spaced em-dash rule, and also follow the general Australian standard for spelling.

For ease of readability and formatting should your piece progress, we recommend keeping the font type common (eg. Calibri, Cambria, Times New Roman), font size 11, 1.15 spacing between lines and a line break between paragraphs rather than indenting.

Submissions should also be in .doc or .docx formats.

For our print editions, pieces need to be either between 300 and 700 words, or 1100 and 1200 words—or up to an A4 page for poetry.
Articles such as journalistic writing and opinion pieces for the print editions should be about ongoing issues that won’t become outdated before the magazine can be put together and launched.

Our magazine editions are themed, and we recommend your piece relate to the theme. Editors do look out for it when evaluating, and it could be the difference between one piece getting in over a different piece.

For a print edition, we will accept no more than TWO written submissions per person. To give your pieces the best chance to be accepted, we recommend that you differ them as much as possible.

For WORDLY Online, pieces should have a limit of around 1000 words. WORDLY Online is especially interested in publishing articles, journalism, and opinion pieces about current issues.

Art submissions

Any and all artistic submissions are welcome. They can range from still images to paintings (submitted as photographs), to graphic design pieces and comics. All art submissions must be submitted electronically, and all we ask is that it is in the highest possible resolution; it’s possible for your work to be one of our WORDLY covers!

We are often in great need of art, so your submissions do have a great chance of being accepted. Please don’t be shy to submit.

There is no particular limit for artwork, however we recommend under TEN pieces.

Have an appropriate title prepared for your artwork/s. If your artwork is untitled and we are considering including it, we will contact you and request a title.

Please be aware that we can’t make use of any images that are on your Instagram or other portfolio sites. A piece would need to be taken off social media, and kept off until the launch of our publication, in order for us to include it.

Upcoming themes and deadlines

WORDLY Magazine is accepting submissions on the theme ‘Emerge’, you can submit your piece of writing or art at this link here. Submissions close 11:59pm September 20th.

Make sure you have read the relevant submission guidelines on this page above, or your submission may be ineligible.

We accept submissions to WORDLY Online at all times via email to

You can also express interest in being a regular contributor, or pitch non-fiction pieces, here.

Please send any questions or concerns about submissions to

2 thoughts on “Submission Guidelines

  1. Hi,

    I am a bit confused about the theme. Can you please explain what ‘core’ means as a theme? What type of topics can I write about within this theme, I don’t understand. I will be grateful if you can elaborate on the theme a bit more.

    Thank you.


    1. Hi Maria,

      Our themes are deliberatively vague and open. Anything that you think works with the theme is completely welcome!

      For example, ‘Core’ could be a fiction piece that includes an apple core, a non-fiction personal essay on something that you think is core to your personality, an exploration of a character’s unique axiom about the world and how they then interact with the world, or an essay on something cool about the Earth’s core.

      You can always find some prompts for our themes on Instagram!

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